In the depths of her village, an indigenous woman named Eli lived a modest life as a weaver and domestic worker. Her educational journey halted at secondary school when she had to leave her home to survive. Little did she know that destiny had something extraordinary in store for her.
Three years after completing the Artistri Sud entrepreneurship program (ASSET), Eli embarked on an epic quest as a trainer. In a remote corner of Northern Chile, she stood before 42 women, introducing herself as their guide.
It was the moment she embraced her true calling as a leader.
A year prior, the program had already ignited a spark of ambition within her. Encouraged by newfound courage, Eli ventured into her dream project – a catering service in her hometown.
Today, she thrives in the tourism sector, enchanting visitors with exotic culinary delights.
This journey signifies the fulfillment of Artistri Sud's vision – empowering individuals to become knowledgeable pillars within their communities. Eli emerged as a hero, embodying the change she sought, while inspiring countless others along the way.
The transformation of women like her exemplifies the heart of Artistri Sud, where empowerment and inspiration are catalysts for lasting change.