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A Check-in with Some of Our Volunteers

June, 2020

By Jennifer Lonergan

We’ve all been developing new habits as the lockdown continues. The Artistri Sud team has been up to all sorts of new and exciting endeavours that deviate from our typical routines throughout these uncertain times. To find out a bit more, read the blog below!

Kristina Babic, Country Director for Vietnam, told us that while lockdown was over in Vietnam, she was still trying to keep the good habits she created over quarantine: “One of the things I do is yoga, which I have been doing for years, but during the lockdown, I was practicing every day at home. It’s hard to keep up that routine now, but I’m trying to do it as much as possible. Another thing that has changed in my life is having a dog. Due to closed borders, a friend of mine stayed abroad and can not come back to Vietnam, so my boyfriend and I are taking care of their dog for more than 3 months and we’ve been enjoying it a lot! I’ve also had more time practicing photography, especially in my everyday surrounding such as my apartment and the neighbourhood, and noticing and appreciating things that are around me.” Kudos to Kristina for bringing her new habits forward out of the lockdown!

Arda Minassian, a member of our Board of Directors, told us that she’s had more time to herself and that saving 2 hours per day in transportation has allowed her to exercise regularly and read more; new habits that she’s had put aside for a while due to lack of time and which help her a lot to go through these unpredictable times.

She also have a daily routine established with her girls: they have time to prepare the supper all together, go out to walk, bike, or play basketball.” What a great routine, Arda!

Johanne Harvey, a donor and volunteer, told us that she’s at her cottage with her family! They don’t have electricity, but do have solar panels which powers the mini fridge. Since going up to her cottage, Johanne has begun chopping her own wood and has also made her own maple syrup! When the weather has been nice, she and her sons have been sleeping out on her deck. This sounds like an amazing way to spend more time outside — enjoy, Johanna

Vicky Cheng, a volunteer on our Communications team, has been adopting new habits throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. When we asked, she told us that she’s been doing “daily devotions with a girlfriend these days and exercises daily for an hour and a half.” Way to go, Vicky!

Maddie Zerbey, an intern for our Project Management team, has been trying out many new things throughout her time at home. Here’s what she told us she’s been up to: “I started baking my own sourdough bread. I also started studying for my summer course, a course on the politics of the international refugee regime!” Nice job, Maddie!

Kayla Demarest, an intern on our Communications team told us that every day, she tries to either go for a run or practice yoga. She’s also set a goal of reading at least one book a week. If you have any recommendations, please let her know! Great ideas, Kayla!

Alexandra Beck, an intern on our Communications team, told us that she’s ’been getting to know the ravine system near her home super well — every day she goes for a long walk in the ravine, a change of pace as usually her schedule is busy! She’s also taken this time to get ahead on studying for the LSAT which has been a fun challenge!


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